Social media has gained a commendable reputation in the digital marketing world. The platforms that were once a medium of socialization are now a space for organic and paid brand marketing. One such platform that is proving to be a gem for marketers willing to share their domain knowledge and demonstrate their expertise is Twitter.

Twitter, when first introduced in 2006, served a different purpose than it does today. Once a medium to share daily status updates with friends and acquaintances, it has now evolved into an influential PR-infused media outlet. This 15-year old multi-faceted social network has 211 million monetizable daily active users (mDAU) worldwide, as per the records of third-quarter reports of 2021.


As we talk, more than 48% of marketers are using Twitter worldwide to strengthen their social media presence. The popularity and acceptance of the platform are a clear giveaway for business marketers and companies and a direct hint that they need to become a part of the Twitter family.

However, once you initiate Twitter marketing, you’d understand that to navigate the platform and your strategies effectively, you need to keep a close eye on the Twitter metrics. The platform has one of the most comprehensive analytics and data capture insights.

In this blog post, we have prepared a guide for you to understand the most essential Twitter metrics and the ways to track and measure them. But first, let us get to know the basics of Twitter metrics and how they benefit your social media strategy and business.

Top Twitter Metrics to Track and Measure

1. Top Tweet

All of your Tweets work differently on the platform. The top Tweet metric measures the tweet on your profile that has the most impressions or engagements over a given amount of time.

To track your top Tweets, visit Twitter’s main analytics dashboard. It displays your top Tweet and top media Tweet (by impressions) every 28 days. You can also click on “View Tweet Activity” to understand the specific details about the engagement activities. It shows analytics breakdown in the form of detail expansions, link clicks, profile clicks, and more.

Tracking top Tweets allows you to understand the viewer’s preferences and choices. If you analyze your 4–5 months’ of top Tweets, you can recognize trends or patterns among them and continue to apply those learning in your upcoming content.

You can try to find the following similarities or patterns between top Tweets –

  • The brand voice
  • Usage of emoticons
  • The CTA that works the best with the Tweets
  • Days the Tweets perform better
  • The time when your Tweets attract more engagement

2. Follower Growth

What’s better than getting likes or retweets? Followers!

The followers’ growth Twitter metrics track the way your number of followers has changed over the last 30 days. It also provides you insights into how many new followers you’ve received per day.

You can check the metrics in the follower section of your dashboard. Another way to calculate follower growth is by subtracting the number of followers at the beginning of a period from the end of the period.

Tracking follower growth is vital because it is a useful metric for brand awareness and growing your audience. If you’re gaining new followers, it’s a positive sign, and the audience is finding you engaging enough to want to regularly get your content in their feeds. However, if they find the follower growth dropping, you need to modify your strategy and find the loopholes in your current one.

To attract new followers and create a loyal follower base, you should engage with your regular users by replying, Retweeting, and following them back.

3. Top Followers

The top follower Twitter metrics track the account with the largest amount of followers that followed you in that month. Again, you can view this metric on your Twitter Dashboard’s home page.

This Twitter metric lets you know which of your newest followers are the ones with potentially the highest reach impact. Moreover, you get to assess your reach, and if the follower is suitable for your domain, you can also consider them as a good candidate for future influencer campaigns.

An effective tip — thank your new top follower with an @mention on your Twitter account. It has the potential to gain you more new followers through the influence of the top follower.

4. New Mentions

You don’t want to miss out on conversations happening about you on Twitter, be it positive or negative. The new mentions Twitter metric allows you to view your @mentions over the last 28 days and overtime. Moreover, it shows the Tweets that mentioned you and also received the most engagements.

This Twitter metric is available on your Twitter Dashboard’s home page. The dashboard also provides you a link to see the full tweet for more context.

Tracking your mentions increases your brand’s visibility with that account’s audience. Moreover, if you extend customer support through Twitter, which is a positive marketing move, the new mention analytics can be a great customer service tool for your brand. It facilitates quick responses to customers’ queries and feedback.

5. Impressions

Everyone wants to know how much reach your Tweet(s) has(have). The impression Twitter metric can help you here. It measures the number of times your Tweets have been organically seen by other users over a period. You have the facility to see the performance of one individual Tweet, or you can track the 28-day overview of cumulative impressions.

To measure the individual Tweet stats, open it. You can also view the same in the Twitter dashboard.

The impression Twitter metric measures the brand awareness of your business. Moreover, you can repurpose the Tweet that gains the most impression for other social media platforms. It serves other purposes too, such as first, you can also create more Tweets on a similar topic; second, you can compare your monthly activity using the cumulative overview.

6. Engagements and Engagement Rate

The Tweet section also measures the engagement of your posts, be it at a single Tweet level or the total activity level of all Tweets. It precisely measures the number of interactions people made with a Tweet. Moreover, it goes on to define the engagement rate — engagements divided by impressions. The engagement includes several Twitter metrics, such as media expands, @replies, retweets, follows from a Tweet, link clicks, and more.

The engagement metric helps you assess brand engagement and community engagement. You get to know what kind of Tweets are working for you. With the engagement rate, you get an even better understanding of how a Tweet or general account is performing. If your Tweets have a low engagement rate, you can bring a change into your content format.

7. Link Clicks

The link clicks Twitter metric is just how it sounds. It measures the number of times a person clicks a link inside your post. You can see this in the Twitter dashboard. It is available in both the Tweet level as an engagement type and the total level.

This metric is useful in finding out how many people are interested in your content and goes ahead and click the link.

8. Profile Clicks

The profile clicks Twitter metric is the number of times someone clicks on your account’s name, username, or profile photo. You can see the metrics on your Twitter dashboard.

It shows that the people are interested in knowing more about you or your business. In case the metrics drop down, you should consider planning your Tweets a different way.

9. Cost Per Result (CPR)

Twitter ads can help you reach your business and marketing goals quicker. If you’re running ads, you should know the average cost of each relevant action that a user takes on one of your ads. It is what the cost per result Twitter metric tracks and measures. You can measure it in your Twitter Ads center per campaign.

The CPR metric tells you whether your campaign is cost-effective or not. If you find the CPS higher than it should be in your ad campaign, you’re probably investing more money into the campaign than required.

Originally posted on Mentionlytics:




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