Intelligent Social Media Insights for Telecommunication Companies
A tweet from someone asking for help from his telecom service provider would give an opportunity to the rivals to promote their offers. This is the power of social media. Marketers have spent around $89 billion on social media for advertising last year, and this figure is likely to increase in the future. The scenario is the same across all industries including the telecoms companies that would need regular monitoring of social media platforms to get intelligent social media insights as well as additional data. This user’s data would help them know the behavioral shifts and demands for their telecom services so they can promote them accordingly.
As you know, the telecoms industry is reaching a new level; it has become critical for you to differentiate yourself from competitors. For this, you would need to know the market trends. Apart from this, there are several other reasons the telecoms sector needs intelligent social media insights; let’s have a look:
Why Does the Telecom Sector Need Social Media Monitoring & Intelligent Insights?
Source: Businesswire
Do you know that 53% of consumers say that they like to buy from a brand that is transparent on social media?
It is going to raise an eyebrow across all industries, especially telecom service providers who usually have a vast customer base spread across different geographic locations.
This diversification in terms of geographic location makes it slightly tricky to address customer concerns in real-time. Moreover, telecom service providers need to take their services to the next level to increase customer engagement. Here are the most common pain points that suggest telco operators should embrace social media insights.
The need for a top-notch intelligent social media monitoring solution
Source: Youtube
The Telecom sector needs effective social media insights as it is looking forward to a social listening tool. It helps in the effective management of a huge customer base as they go through varied challenges in their customer journey. Some of those challenges are listed below:
- Moment by moment tracking is a little difficult for the telecom sector, owing to a huge customer base.
- Intelligent analysis is another big issue as the company needs to have a huge team to handle effectively and respond to queries coming in from different locations.
- Moreover, the data seems to be complicated for some team members as everyone is not acquainted with the technicalities of it.
- Also, it is essential to always stay in the minds of the consumer for which you need constant stimulation. Huge clientele and limited resources of the company poses a challenge to monitor different social media channels effectively.
Problems in identifying the target audience
Since telecom companies are spread across varied geographical locations, people have different tastes and preferences depending on their place. Moreover, communication is one of the significant challenges as people speak different languages. This makes it difficult for telecom companies to identify their target audience.
As they get into social media insights, they can use illicit out valuable analytics about who all are their actual customers. They can plan exclusive deals to get their attention. Moreover, they can also work on social media campaigns that cater to a broad set of audiences.
Scope of improvement in customer service
Source: Netbase
Another significant reason a telecom company would need social media insights is to improve its customer service. You will get unbiased data from the conversations taking place over social media.
This unbiased data gives valuable insights into the sentiments your customers hold for you. With the help of data derived from social media analytics, the telecom company can identify the loopholes and understand the probable reasons.
So, these are some significant reasons why the telecom sector must look towards social media insights. They should invest in social media monitoring tools to counter the challenges that they face in handling customer interaction and improve their services.
How Can Social Media Insights Transform the Telecoms Industry?
As telecoms companies are battling for the top spot, they are getting extremely competitive. Everyone is trying to bring the best services for which they are trying to have direct contact with customers.
However, it’s not as easy as it seems in the first place. It would help if you had consistent and regular social media monitoring to get access to social media insights. Social media analytics act as a catalyst to improve your services as you gain valuable insights about their taste, preferences, dislikes, and sentiments.
Social media analytics have put things at ease. It has revolutionized how the telecom sector addresses its vast customer base. Let’s look at how they have transformed the scenario:
Real-time social listening for active crisis management
If you are a telecom megabrand, a negative opinion shared on social media can hurt your brand value like no other. It’s imperative for you to embrace smart crisis management strategies and use social listening tools to manage an issue that can potentially damage your company’s honor.
Social listening is considered as a sapient approach towards addressing customer concerns. Social media insights is the best way to identify influencers and develop marketing strategies that will cater to users with similar traits.
Moreover, it helps to identify the subject of interest by analyzing the number and frequency of comments on a particular issue. It also helps in the analysis of positive and negative sentiments so you can group them with people with similar behavior and patterns.
This way, you will know the new launches on the part of your competitors and shape your strategy accordingly. Also, you get access to the latest industry trends as they keep changing now and then. Deutsche Telekom is already leveraging the benefits of social listening solutions to better manage their crisis situations and prevent issues from damaging the brand’s sales and market value.
Help you find and outmatch competitors
As you all know, the telecom sector is a competitive industry where many companies are battling to make a place in consumers’ minds. It will help if you differentiate yourself from the crowd for which you have to satisfy your consumers by delivering the best services you can.
The only way to deliver the best services is by making informed decisions regarding what’s going on in the competitive market. Social media insights is a way of getting informed. This way, you will get to know who your competitors are and what are their business moves.
When you get information about any new offer or product that your competitors are about to launch, you can get insights about how consumers perceive it. This way, you can immediately make new offers to increase customer engagement. Also, you can make improvements against your competitors.
Intelligently track and analyze customers’ behavior
Today customers have become hyperactive, and they find easy and quick ways to get themselves addressed. Social media platforms are one of the best and quickest ways to get the issues fixed right away. Consumers express themselves openly over there whether it is a political or social issue. Moreover, 70% of consumers today expect brands to take a public stand on political or social issues.
When consumers have one on one interaction with several others, you can judge what they are looking for from their conversation. Social media insights play a significant role in monitoring their behavior and patterns. You would know what triggers them, what’s in demand, what sentiments they hold for your products, and how they want to be addressed. This way, nothing is left unnoticed from your radar.
Develop in-depth, customized reports with sentiment analysis
When it comes to social media insights tools, you will get access to numerous valuable insights. You will get a dashboard for sentiment analysis, insights into the common subject of interest, customer engagement, competitors’ moves, products, and services.
You can leverage this useful data to your advantage and create customized reports that suit your agenda. For instance, if you want to include a new feature in your telecom services, you can create a separate report on what customers would like to have extra in your services. It could be cheap pricing options, increased talk time, unlimited data, and many more.
Enhanced and active customer support
A report from Microsoft suggests that 54% of modern customers have higher customer support expectations than they had a year ago.
As your customers are looking for ways to get their concerns addressed, they would appreciate personalized customer interactions. Social media insights provide a significant role in enhancing your customer support system.
Telecom companies usually interact on a large scale, so they need to track customer history to facilitate natural redressal customer grievances. This way, you will have a complete profile of your customers ready to initiate informed, meaningful, and personalized conversations.
Apart from this, your social media team can direct the customers to your services by providing relevant links to their websites, forms, and touchpoints. This step streamlines the process of collecting accurate information on consumers’ part.
How to Create Social Media Strategy for Your Telecom Company?
To bring about such a big change in your telecom company, you will need a strategy to reach your targeted goals and avoid any possible crisis. Here’s how you can create a social media strategy for your telecom brand:
The Telecom industry already has a cut-throat competition, so telecom brands need to be exclusive and unique in their approach. Customization seems to pave the way for top-notch services as personal interactions with customers create a positive vibe. It portrays your brand in a positive light, which engages and attracts other sets of audiences who follow a similar behavioral pattern.
Pick the right social platform
In an attempt to spread awareness about your telecom brand, you don’t need to be active on all social media platforms. Instead, it is better that you pick the right platform where your community and your customers are most active.
Apart from this, master some selected social media platforms to drive more engagement and traffic instead of putting in unnecessary efforts on all platforms. However, you may not be active on social media platforms, but we recommend you address their concerns and provide a workable solution.
Increase engagement
When it comes to creating an engagement strategy, you must start with defining your business goal. Many companies make this mistake of moving ahead with customer service without setting the goals. It somehow kills the social media momentum as you can’t spare time on social media when you are not clear with the tasks of what to do and what not.
Social media is an all-inclusive source where you are exposed to a broad audience who may have different views on your products and services. It would help if you were very careful about what to say, when to say, and how to answer. Otherwise, it may trigger hot-headed discussions. This clarity can only come by forming a strategy and defining your goals.
If you are not sure of what to say, we recommend you to be neutral and don’t overreact. Otherwise, it may trigger negative sentiments, and your customers may choose your competitors because of this small mistake.
Ensure accountability
Your customers may look up to you for even small things. It will help if you train your social media team and customer support cell to be accountable when your customers need them.
In case your customer tends to blame you for any issue, never try to ignore, instead, be proactive and ask in detail about the subject. Moreover, don’t be reactive, but professional in your approach, and apologize when it’s your mistake. You have to be careful; otherwise, your unprofessional behavior may bring it in the notice of many customers who keep an eye on your services. They might withdraw their attention and choose your competitors over you.
Also, it would help if you make a policy for your employees to be followed for the internal use of social media.
Ensure proactive communication
Please don’t wait for your customers to come to you and bring in their issues to be addressed. Instead, try to be proactive in your communication and fix customers’ problems at the earliest. Make sure you reach out to them even before they ask you.
Moreover, if you know where your customer base is active, use this important information to identify the issues they are struggling with. Also, please provide them with a solution in the first place; otherwise, your loyal customers may even switch to a better alternative.
Social Media KPIs You Should be Tracking
There has been a race where telecom brands are struggling to keep up the engagement trends and manage hate comments they receive. Tracking the right social media KPIs would help you in the efficient management of social media platforms.
Here are six social media KPIs that you must be tracking-
For Reach
It will help if you begin with understanding the reach. It will give you an idea of the visibility your brand is getting and where you need to improve. Here are some basic parameters you must keep in mind:
Followers- Followers refer to the people who are following you on each social media platform.
Impressions- Impressions are a significant factor when it comes to measuring your visibility. The number of times your content is displayed in the newsfeed, whether it is clicked or not, is not a matter of concern.
Posts- Posts measures your activity level. It refers to the number of posts or the content you created and posted on your social media profile.
For Engagement
After you have understood your visibility or reach on different social media platforms, engagement comes next. It helps to determine how influential your posts or content are? Here are some basic parameters you must consider when measuring social media engagement on different platforms:
Clicks- Link clicks define the quality of content you are posting on social media platforms that are driving engagement. It represents the initiative people are taking to see your content. It is a kind of call to action on customers’ part to explore your content. You would be surprised to know that from posting a median of 0.97 posts per day, brands are seeing a median engagement rate of 0.09% on the platform across all industries.
Interactions- Interactions refer to the action or the response your content is getting on each social media platform. It could be comments, likes, shares, subscribes, and many more.
Brand Mentions- Improving your brand mentions is another excellent tactic to increase your ranking and engagement. It helps to understand the intensity by which users are engaged with your post and find out who are top mentioners.
When a customer tends to tag or mention your brand in other conversations taking place on social media, it represents the type of engagement you are driving.
The Mentionlytics Difference in the Telco Industry
As you have already read above the importance of social media insights in the telecom industry, Mentionlytics is the easy and intelligent way out to explore the depths of data you receive.
It is an intelligent social media insights tool that helps to manage your reputation online by finding what’s being said about your brand, knowing brand mentions, responding to those brand mentions, finding lucrative marketing and sales leads for you. It also monitors your competitors, finding influencers for your industry niche, getting sentiment analysis, and a lot more.
Originally posted on Mentionlytics: